Salmon Glaze

My wife loves this, and she just had me print it up for her mom, so I figured I might as well share:

Salmon Glaze (use with .75-1.25 kg salmon filet)

In a 150ml cup, put in:

1 teaspoon of ground or crushed black pepper

1/2 teaspoon  fine-ground salt

2 teaspoons dried garlic powder

2 teaspoons onion powder or onion flakes

1 tablespoon butter

Juice from 1/2 medium lemon (include any pulp if you like)

3 tablespoons honey (more won’t hurt, so let them be overloaded if you like)

fill to the top with water


Microwave the mix on high for 30 sec or until it starts to boil.  Remove from microwave and stir to mix thoroughly

On a small baking pan, spread a smooth sheet of tin foil.  Grease with olive oil or butter.

Rinse off the salmon filet, and lay it skin-side down on the greased foil.

Spoon the first 1/3 of the mix onto the salmon, trying to ensure that all the exposed meat receives at least a little of the liquid.  The solids in the mix should also end up on the salmon.

Bake at 180 C for 10-15 minutes, or until the mix that has gathered in the pan has begun to bubble happily.

Spoon another 1/3 of the mix onto the salmon, same as the first time.  Return the salmon to the oven.

Bake another 10-15 minutes, or again until the mix is bubbling well.

Spoon on the last 1/3, return salmon to oven until mix is again bubbling.

As the baking goes on, the mix will reduce and get darker.  Using a spoon, take up the mix from the pan and re-apply to the fish occasionally, until the mix becomes a medium brown color.  At this point the fish should be cooked all the way through and should be ready to serve.

Cut fish into serving sizes and place on plate, taking one final spoonful of the brown mix from the pan and pouring it across the serving.

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