Here’s Helga, all done up! I still intend to go back some time and add some basing, but I haven’t figured out what kind of terrain to site her in. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the pics (large versions are available by clicking on these).
Update: here are the links for the remainder of the build log entries:
First Entry; Second Entry; Third Entry; Fourth Entry
View from the left, with the extra cable
All in all, I had a good time building and painting this up – it was a really fun assembly (and challenging where it needed to be, easy where I wanted it to be), and it looked great in the final. Putting the weathering on was a breeze (even dusting over the decals came out really fine), and I was quite happy with how the ambush camo pattern worked out on it.
Wish me luck on the contest, and I’ll let you know when the next build log is going up!
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